Hello and welcome to my blog. I am here to tell people on what I know about health and nutrition and how to live a healthier lifestyle. I am not a dietician or nutritionist, nor do I claim to be. I am just some one that has a background of a very unhealthy lifestyle and have now began living a healthy one. So I would like to share my knowledge and experience to help others to achieve their goals. I will be sharing tips on how to stay healthy, recipes for the everyday family and how to opt for healthier alternatives, and information on keeping not only a healthy body, but a healthy mind. I will also be keeping track of my own weight loss progress with tips on what works for me and could work for you. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Also, be sure to ask about the 90 Day Challenge..

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Strawberrys are pretty much everyones favorite berry. It has the look of enticement and is what most would call the sexual berry for its infamous chocolate covered and enticing rituals. So with the strawberry having many health benefits and it being a daily consumption of almost all homes and if taken regularly can help combat many diseases and irregularities. The following is a glimpse of the healthy benefits attached to this little red berry.

Skin cleanser: Can remove harmful toxins, use as a cleansing agent.
Improves digestion: It is effective in cases of constipation.
Relieves joint pains: the berry has shown improvement of pain caused by rheumatism and gout.
Hypertension: Known as high blood pressure. Its affects are because of the high potassium and magnesium
The Strawberry acts as a natural rich source of folic acid
Enhances sexual activities: with the high zinc content the fruit may be a natural Viagra.
Strengthens gums and teeth
Reduces the risk of developing cancer
Prevents macular degeneration
Combat depression
Heart disease
Enhances brain function    

Try consuming this wonderful berry on a regular basis for optimal health benefits. And the great thing is they taste wonderful and can be mixed in with just about anything.. 

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