Some children these days get rewarded a lot for many different things. Its great that we reward our children for achievements, good behavior, and accomplishments. But generally the gifts are in the form of junk foods like chocolate, cake, toys or even candy and whatever else that can be classified as junk food. But in all this, we never think or are concerned with the health of the child. So this time around, when your children are on holidays and the schools are closed, you can plan out a time table for them which will discipline their eating habits and make them health conscious as well.
Some of the tips here will certainly help you out with your children.Figure out the everyday activities of your child when he/she is in school and when they begin to play. Although they are on holiday vacation, the same habits should be followed everyday even during the school year and summer so that they will continue the importance of maintaining good health.
What are their favorite physical activities? At a young age the important thing is to get lot of physical activity. But children can get upset, moody and irritable so it is important you plan something that is close to normal for them because they may not be willing to do it or put their heart into it. Instead suggest sports or exercise like bike riding if there is no snow during the holiday in which they will enjoy and be willing to do. Be creative. No one knows your child better then you do so use something you know they love and introduce them to new things as well and get a feel for what they do like and don’t.
Tell your child they will receive a small treat of something they love if they accept something that is highly nutritious but taste good. Some vegetables can be bitter but carry lot of vitamins and nutrition, but very few children are not willing to eat it. So be creative in finding the veggies that they like and mixing them with a few things they may not like so much and aren’t willing to eat. Ranch dressing is perfect to mix in with veggies.
Although physical health is important, So is psychological health. Give them arts and crafts. Being creative can give you a sense of mental stability. Help them to find their creative side such as music, painting, drawing and any other type of art. This will keep them engaged, be more constructive and direct their energy in positive things.
Every now and then for a couple days try some adventurous holidays, which may include, sight seeing, a trip to the museums, the zoo and what ever other fun stuff you can think of to do. This will give them a sense of adventure and have fun.
Make sure they follow the chart that you have put together for them. If your child successfully follows all the dietary rules and exercise designed for them, they will soon follow it on their own and in the meantime will be developing healthy habits that they will follow the rest of their life.
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