Hello and welcome to my blog. I am here to tell people on what I know about health and nutrition and how to live a healthier lifestyle. I am not a dietician or nutritionist, nor do I claim to be. I am just some one that has a background of a very unhealthy lifestyle and have now began living a healthy one. So I would like to share my knowledge and experience to help others to achieve their goals. I will be sharing tips on how to stay healthy, recipes for the everyday family and how to opt for healthier alternatives, and information on keeping not only a healthy body, but a healthy mind. I will also be keeping track of my own weight loss progress with tips on what works for me and could work for you. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Also, be sure to ask about the 90 Day Challenge..

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I have to say that with the Holidays that have been upon us I find it difficult at times to restrain myself from all the delicious goodies that keep looking at me and saying "EAT ME"! Its been hard. Even though a piece here and there is not bad for you, but if you are like me, eating just that one piece can all of a sudden lead to 5 or 6 pieces..lol..But the one thing that i have found that helps tremendously is eating fruit! YES; Eating fruit. It helps with the cravings of sweets. Fruit has a natural sugar and not all the processed sugars that you often find in candies and baked goods. The natural sugars send a different signal to your brain that will tell you that you are satisfied as to where sugars that have been processed will tell you to eat more and you want more and that is partly due to the elevations in blood sugar levels. So aside from the anatomy and science of it I suggest eating lots of fruit. You will be amazed as to what it can do to help ward off cravings for the bad stuff. When i want a piece of cake or pie or candy i reach for the fruit bowel and i end up alot happier from not feeling the guilt and its alot healthier..Also dont forget the exercise which helps with our psychological health. It wards of depression and anxieties that many face during this time of year. So my suggestions are go for the fruit bowel next time you want something not so healthy and to get some exercise to help feel better emotionally and physically.. :)

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