Hello and welcome to my blog. I am here to tell people on what I know about health and nutrition and how to live a healthier lifestyle. I am not a dietician or nutritionist, nor do I claim to be. I am just some one that has a background of a very unhealthy lifestyle and have now began living a healthy one. So I would like to share my knowledge and experience to help others to achieve their goals. I will be sharing tips on how to stay healthy, recipes for the everyday family and how to opt for healthier alternatives, and information on keeping not only a healthy body, but a healthy mind. I will also be keeping track of my own weight loss progress with tips on what works for me and could work for you. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Also, be sure to ask about the 90 Day Challenge..

Friday, May 25, 2012


You can truly design your life. You want abundance? It's yours. Focus on poverty, that can be yours too. You get what you focus and put all of your energy into. If you're in debt - DON'T focus on the debt. FOCUS on the opportunities to get you abundance! Surround yourself with Abundant-minded people! If you have poor health, DO NOT FOCUS on your symptoms...Focus on eating better, relaxing, exercising, doing the things that will improve your health. Get in a healthy state of mind. Surround yourself with healthy people. If you lack confidence, DO NOT keep telling yourself "I don't have the right personality", instead, think of the PERFECT personality you wish to have and start living that one. Surround yourself with confident, passionate people! Health, Love, prosperity, everything in your life is up to you. Your relationships, your financial situation, your health can all improve at any time. Stay focused on where you want to go, not where you are. Focusing on where you are will keep you there!!
(T. Wilson)

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